Inheritance in Javascript

This blog discusses Inheritance in Javascript.

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#Inheritance in JavaScript

Inheritance is a very important OOPS concept, by virtue of which children classes inherit from their parent classes. But now, question is how to implement inheritance in JavaScript?

We all know how to make class in JavaScript? Class in JavaScript is nothing but a constructor function. Here is a sample class:

function Peacock() { = function() {
      console.log("I am Peacock! I can dance");

In JavaScript, we do not have any extend keyword, the only way to implement inheritance is through prototype chaining.

So, what is prototype chaining?

Each object in JavaScript has internal link to another object, through a property known as Prototype. While moving through the chain of these objects, one would encounter ‘null’ in the prototype which would mean that Object prototype has reached.

When a property requested in one object is not found in that object, then prototype of that object is looked into. Prototype contains the reference to the next object in the chain. Prototype chaining is used to look into the next object in the chain and so on…..until the end of chain is reached. This behavior of Prototype Chaining helps us to add inheritance in JavaScript.

Let’s experience some inheritance using the given sample classes:

LivingThing Class

function LivingThing() {
    this.move = function() {
        console.log("I am living thing! I can move!!");

Bird Class

function Bird() { = function() {
        console.log("I am bird! I can fly!!");

Peacock Class

function Peacock() { = function() {
      console.log("I am Peacock! I can dance");

Now, we know that Peacock is a bird and bird is a living thing. So all we need to show here is their relationship i.e. we need to implement the inheritance. Here we go:

Bird.prototype = new LivingThing();
Bird.prototype.constructor = Bird;

In the above two lines of code we have passed the instance of LivingThing to the prototype of Bird, therefore we have linked Bird to LivingThing. Second line though does not makes any difference to the inheritance but it is in important in the sense that it makes the constructor property of prototype refer to the correct class/function.

Now, let’s link Peacock to the Bird class. This can be done in the following way:

Peacock.prototype = new Bird();
Peacock.prototype.constructor = Peacock;

In the above snippet we have linked Peacock to Bird. This type of chaining can go on and on. The above set of snippets would lead us to hierarchy given below:

LivingThing –> Bird –> Peacock

Lets try to create an object of Peacock class, and call dance, fly and move methods/functions on that object, and see what is happening??

var peacock = new Peacock();; // I am Peacock! I can dance; // I am bird! I can fly!!
peacock.move(); // I am living thing! I can move!!

You can see, we can call the parent methods/function on child object/peacock. Let’s see the above snippet in more detail:

We called dance() on Peacock object, since dance() belonged to Peacock, so it could be easily accessed. fly() belonged to Bird, but it could still be called on Peacock reason being that fly() was first searched in Peacock, on not finding fly() in Peacock, prototype was looked into to access the next object in the chain, which is Bird and hence we were able to call fly(). Similar thing happened when move() was called, first Peacock object was searched, then hunt moved to the prototype of Peacock in order to know the next object in the chain. Bird object was then looked into and on not finding move() there, reference of next object in prototype of Bird was looked which led the search to LivingThing object, which actually had the move(). This is how we made a hierarchy starting from LivingThing to Peacock!

We are a little unfortunate that we don’t have the extend keyword in JavaScript as available in Java, but we aren’t that unlucky as we have prototype to our rescue!

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