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Linked List in Javascript

Every now and then we encounter a situation when we need to use data structures. One such data structure form is Linked List. Caching is one such example where Linked List are used. In case of Java, Linked List is available in Collection package/framework. But in Javascript, one needs to implement it.

A linked list is linear collection of data elements where each element/node points to next element/node.

Below diagram shows a Linked List :


Well, the agenda of this blog is to:

  1. Create a Linked List
  2. Delete a node from linked list
  3. Print the linked list

So here we go…

Let’s have two classes :

Node class would be responsible for representing a node. Node class will have the data and reference to the next node.

class Node {
    constructor(data) { = data;

    getNext() {

    setNext(n) { = n;

    getData() {


As you can see above, we have getNext, setNext and getData functions.

  1. setNext function is for setting the next/subsequent node in the node.
  2. getNext function is to fetch the next node reference.
  3. getData function is to get the data.

Now, let’s implement the LinkedList class. It should be have the following functionality:

  1. Adding a new node to Linked List
  2. Removing a node from Linked List
  3. Print the Linked List

Below is the LinkedList class:

class LinkedList {
    constructor() {
        this.root = undefined;

    enQueue(value) {
        let node = new Node(value);
        if (!this.root) {
            this.root = node;
        } else {
            let temp = this.root;
            while (temp.getNext()) {
                temp = temp.getNext();

    print() {
        let result = [];
        let temp = this.root;
        while (temp) {
            temp = temp.getNext();
        console.log(result.join(' => '));

    deQueue(val) {
        let temp;
        let previousNode;
        if (!this.root) {
        if (this.root.getData() === val) {
            this.root = this.root.getNext();
        previousNode = this.root;
        temp = this.root.getNext();
        while (temp) {
            if (temp.getData() !== val) {
                previousNode = temp;
                temp = temp.getNext();
            } else {

Let’s look at each function closely:

  1. enQueue function
enQueue(value) {
    let node = new Node(value);
    if (!this.root) {
        this.root = node;
    } else {
        let temp = this.root;
        while (temp.getNext()) {
            temp = temp.getNext();

enQueue function is to add a node to a linked list. As we know root node is the first node in the linked list. If node does not have reference to any node we need to initialize root node first, else if root node has reference of a node, we check if there is another node after the root node. As soon as we get a node which doesn’t have any next/subsequent node, we add the intended node.

  1. deQueue function
deQueue(val) {
    let temp;
    let previousNode;
    if (!this.root) {
    if (this.root.getData() === val) {
        this.root = this.root.getNext();
    previousNode = this.root;
    temp = this.root.getNext();
    while (temp) {
        if (temp.getData() !== val) {
            previousNode = temp;
            temp = temp.getNext();
        } else {

deQueue function is responsible for deleting a node in the linked list. In order to delete a node, we remove the reference of the node to be deleted from its previous node and reference of next node in the linked list is assigned to the previous node. And when removed node is the root node, we simply refer next node of the root node as a root node.

Dereference node will be automatically collected by Garbage Collector.

  1. print function
print() {
    let result = [];
    let temp = this.root;
    while (temp) {
        temp = temp.getNext();
    console.log(result.join(' => '));

We initialize the temp variable by the root node and traverse through the linked list till we reach end of it.

Let’s see some action now:

let list = new LinkedList(); // Initializing linked list
list.enQueue(5); //Adding 5 to linked list
console.log("Printing the linked list before removing 6");
list.deQueue(6); // Removing 6 from linked list
console.log("Printing linked list after removing 6");

Output of the above code is:

Printing the linked list before removing 6
5 => 6 => 1 => 8 => 9 => 6
Printing linked list after removing 6
5 => 1 => 8 => 9 => 6

In the above output, one can notice the first call to the print function prints the entire linked list and then on making the second call linked list printed which has 6 removed from it as we have called deQueue function to remove node with data/value 6 in it.